“Wherefore leaving the doctrine of the first principles of
Christ, let us press on unto perfection.” Hebrews 6:1
In the Christian life, there are a few truths which are
foundational. A foundation needs to be laid only once, but it must be firmly
laid. First principles are therefore very important.
There is a modern error among Christians which is quite
different from that of these Hebrews in the first century. They, having laid the
foundation, were in danger of circling round and round it, and never going
beyond. Our danger, on the other hand, may be that of trying to go forward
without ever having laid the good foundation at all.
Today some want to move too fast, to rush onward before
the foundation has been laid. When that is so, our task is to recall them to
Christ, who alone is God’s "tried stone, a precious corner-stone of sure
foundation" (Isaiah 28:16). The apostles had to persuade people to leave,
whereas we may need to induce them to return.