“The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.”
Matthew 26:41
The disciples are in Gethsemane . In every sense, therefore, this
is a pre-Pentecost experience. It reminds us that the Christian cannot live by
his own willpower. The greatest willpower can only bring to the point of
willingness—no further. To be willing cannot give strength to the weak flesh.
Something much more than that is needed.
Willpower is like a car without gas. It has to be pushed
or towed. Left to itself, it grinds to a halt. To trust to the human will for
spiritual ends is therefore to encounter defeat. Spiritual power does not come
from the human will, but from the new life in Christ. This life provides
another, deeper power beyond our volition, and by that power we find ourselves
gloriously carried along in the Lord’s victory.