“Wherefore let them also that suffer according to the will
of God commit their souls in well-doing unto a faithful Creator.” 1 Peter 4:19
The creation of man was to meet a need of God: his desire
was for communion with a race of men like himself and for himself. Redemption, by
contrast, is remedial, restoring to God what had been lost by man’s rejection
of him. Redemption makes possible the recovery and fulfillment of his original
and eternal purpose in creation.
We Christians have so stressed God’s gift to us in
redemption that we have lost sight of his purpose in creation. Redemption is
related to us and our well-being, that is why we stress it. Creation is related
to God and his purpose; that is why it is of such great importance. Thus redemption
brings us back to God’s beginning, there to be occupied, not just with the
satisfying of our needs, but with the fulfilling of God’s good pleasure. Should
we not be willing to pray and labor and suffer for our faithful Creator?