Watchman Nee

Thursday, February 2, 2012

January 16

“We know that to them that love God all things work together for good.” Romans 8:28

Hangchow is a city of silk-weavers. Come with me into one of their sheds. Look at the reverse side of the brocade that is on the loom. To the untaught, the many-colored warp and woof seem only chaotic, a meaningless crossing of colored threads. But turn it over. Look at the front side of the finished fabric. It is beautiful, a tasteful design of men and trees, flowers and mountains. The work in progress was confusing, but the end product has meaning and purpose.

When our lot appears puzzling to our eyes, remember that we do not know to what design God is working. For each thread, bright or dark, has its function, and each change of pattern follows a prepared plan. What matter if life’s experiences seem disorderly and we cannot grasp what they are all about? God’s Word assures us that all things without exception work together for our good.

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