"For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." Romans 14:17
The Bible allows us great latitude in external things such as food. Why is it that you may eat or not eat as you like? Because from God's viewpoint this is only a minor matter. God attaches no great importance to prohibitions. Instead, he lays stress on what is positive. The life of the Son of God on earth, and Christ's risen life in us–these are the essentials. Having that glory among us, such matters as food and clothing become very minor indeed. That is why the Christian life, as set forth in the Bible, is never legalistic but wonderfully flexible.
If you wish to dress more moderately and eat less costly food, it is good. But if you have more money and feel like eating better or spending more on clothes, you may do it. The pivotal question is how much spiritual reality is manifested in your life. Do remember that a Christian is not an ascetic. He lives an adaptable life, sensitive always to him who in us is exceedingly great and glorious, and who is ruled not so much by abstinence as by transcendence.
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